About Us
PublicMarkets.com was founded by Larry Laszlo, a commercial photographer and photojournalist whose assignments have taken him to many parts of the globe. A serious ‘foodie’ and marketplace enthusiast, he is always spending his spare time in Public Markets, visiting with the merchants, sampling the products, and, of course, taking pictures. With the passing decades of this activity, there evolved a body of work that begged to be seen.

As you might imagine, there is a strong emphasis on photography within the pages of PublicMarkets.com. These are visually stunning places, teeming with colorful sights and buzzing with activity, animated by a special kind of commerce that’s familiar to cultures around the world: the business of food. In an amazingly diverse world, a beautifully displayed harvest in the Market evokes a universal admiration, and language barriers melt away with smiles of appreciation.

Although we encourage feedback and comments about the Markets, we ourselves don’t review or rate these places to suggest that some are better than others. Public Markets are often shaped by the communities they serve and the products, the décor, even the prices reflect the local environment and culture. And while we each might have a preference for white or wheat, tart or sweet, surf or turf…we can’t deny the value of them all.